Erachi puttu/ Malabar Irachi Puttu
Hi everyone! I am back just in time before Christmas and New Year. I don’t know if anyone missed me. But I really missed blogging and reading all the reviews and comments. So here I am with a new recipe for my best foodies. Puttu is a specialty of Kerala and an authentic breakfast item. They are steamed cylinders of rice flour layered with coconut.There are many varieties of puttu. Now there is even chocolate puttu. You can have it for dinner or as evening snack when you are really hungry. My mom used to bring in some twist to the routine puttu and kadala curry or puttu and ripe plantain or puttu with ripe bananas to make it more interesting and of course if not kids won’t eat at all the plain putt. So todat I’am introducing Erachi puttu/ Meat puttu.
Erachi Puttu /meat puttu has a distinct flavour and the best part is that the masala can be made with any kind of meat (I prefer beef as it is more yummy) and some unbeatable spices and it can be refrigerated. Ummachi used to keep aside a little bit of meat she has minced for making cutlets….and make this as a special for us kids….well I am sort of carrying that tradition. So When you are bored with routines try this Erachi puttu for a change for dinner. It is filling and very healthy too.
[ingredients title=”Ingredients”]
- Puttu powder -2 cup
- Beef – 200 gram
- Onion – 2 medium
- Tomato – 1
- Green chilly – 2
- Ginger garlic paste – 1 tbspn
- Chilly powder – 2tbspn
- Coriander powder – 2tbs
- Turmeric powder – 1/4 tbs
- Garam masala – 1/4 tbs
- Salt as needed
- Oil
[directions title=”Directions”]
- Add a little water and salt to puttu powder and mix well to make a crumble like texture.
- Cook beef with coriander powder and chilly powder (each 1tbspn) and salt with enough water. Then just crush it by using a blender.
- Now heat oil in a pan, Sauté onion till brownish colour, then add green chilly, ginger garlic paste, tomato, chilly powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder, garam masala. Then add crushed beef and cook for 5 minutes.
- Now take a puttu maker, First make layer of beef masala then puttu powder mix, Again beef masala then puttu powder mix. You can make number of layers as per your wish,You can also add grated coconut as a layer. Then steam it for 5 or 6 minutes. Serve hot.